The Diversity Fund at CED
Supporting Diversity and Cross-Racial Allyship in Planning, Design, and Development.

Our students are tackling issues of racial inequity in urban planning, design, and real estate development - donate to fund students and their work!



The Diversity Fund at the College of Environmental Design provides the opportunity for our alumni, faculty, students and friends to increase the number of professionals from diverse backgrounds in the fields of planning, architecture, design and development. By providing financial assistance to under-represented students working to dismantle systemic racism and oppression in American public spaces, we provide a path to redress the lasting impacts of historical discrimination and help to create an equitable and inclusive future.

The Diversity Fund brings crucial financial resources to a new generation of CED students that understand the intersection of race and place from lived experiences. This effort is key to the College of Environmental Design because the classroom must reflect the growing diversity of our country and provide opportunities for collective learning – a founding principle of CED. In addition, increasing diversity (racial, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) retains the college’s position as a leader in racial and social equity -- an important aspect of environmental design -- by presenting new ideas for our future.

Indigenous communities, Black communities, and communities of color continue to thrive in the United States despite racial discrimination perpetuated by city planning, urban design, architecture, landscape architecture, and real estate development. CED can and must expand its influence to ensure that the built environment is an agent for social progress and no longer a barrier to be surmounted. You can be a part of the solution by donating to The Diversity Fund and funding diverse cohorts of students at CED.

A collection of efforts facilitated by The Diversity Fund ensure the College’s success for diversity, equity and inclusion. Recipients of graduate fellowships and undergraduate financial assistance are high-achieving students who have demonstrated leadership ability and a record of service promoting equitable solutions for their communities. Carefully selected special projects that strengthen diversity may also receive funding. CED maintains a strong student advising program to ensure CED achieves the goals of The Diversity Fund, which is ultimately the recruitment and retention of under-represented students.


The Diversity Fund is an invaluable resource for the College of Environmental Design that advances the diversity of our graduate and undergraduate student body. With your support, student diversity at CED will grow for years to come!


CED has ambitious goals for its Diversity Fund. We seek to raise $1 million in the coming years, and our team of students, faculty and staff are exploring creation of a permanent endowment. Through Giving Tuesday, friends like you have the opportunity to help us realize immediate funding goals and make an impact on students’ academic success and launch them on careers for social change! Our Giving Tuesday campaign goal, through January 31, 2021 is $100,000. Based on our success, we’ll design a new fundraising campaign for The Diversity Fund for the spring. 

Your donation will support students this spring, next year, and into the future. Thank you in advance for joining this initiative.




Whereas CED appreciates gifts at any amount and frequency, recurring gifts help enable CED to offer our students dedicated funding for their education. 


Through the #GivingTuesday campaign, recurring gifts are not a current feature. However, if you would like to make a lasting impact through a recurring gift, please click the link below:

The Diversity Fund at the College of Environmental Design


You will be redirected to The Diversity Fund’s main webpage. From there, you can click the “Add to Basket” option and a “Give Now” option will appear to the right. Click the “Give Now” option to complete your donation. Thank you in advance for your support!

Giving a recurring gift can be easy to fit into your budget. You can think of a recurring gift to The Diversity Fund in the following ways:

  • A donation of $15 a month, equivalent to your weekly latte expenses, will increase the diversity of our student body and further equity in the College of Environmental Design!

  • With the amount you may spend dining out (or ordering take-out), say about $50 a month, a recurring donation of that size would promote financial justice and diversity in our student body!

  • The cost of various memberships that may range from $100 - $200 a month could be donated to The Diversity Fund  to increase career opportunities for CED students!

  • How much do you spend on random Amazon stuff? $250 a month? $300 a month? Maybe more? The amount you spend on Amazon will increase access to opportunity for diverse students looking to advance in their professional careers!

  • The Bay Area is home to some of the highest average salaries in the country. A small percentage, say .05% of your yearly income will help provide equitable solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing our society.


Again, thank you so much for considering The Diversity Fund at CED to receive your generous gift. Faculty, Staff, and most importantly the students are very appreciative of you and are grateful for your support

College of Environmental Design Diversity Fund


Created with Raphaël 2.1.0VTNHMARICTNJDEMDDC
6 Gifts
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 6
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
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