SOCIAL MEDIA CONTEST: What's Your Favorite Memory? | 9 p.m. to 10 a.m.
Random original post on Twitter or Instagram that fills in the blank, "My favorite memory at Berkeley is _____________________" wins $500. Include #CalBigGive and your program hashtag. WINNER: Cal Band
SOCIAL MEDIA CONTEST: Most Creative Pet Post | 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Most creative post of a pet promoting Cal on Twitter or Instagram wins $500. Include #CalBigGive and program hashtag. WINNER: Intermission Orchestra at Berkeley
SOCIAL MEDIA CONTEST: Random Picture Sporting Cal Gear | 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Random original post on Twitter or Instagram of you, family and/or friends wearing Cal gear wins $500. Include #CalBigGive and program hashtag. WINNER: Volunteer Health Interpreters Organization
SOCIAL MEDIA CONTEST: Random Throwback Thursday Photo | 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Random original post of your Cal Throwback Thursday (TBT) photo on Instagram or Twitter wins $500. Include #CalBigGive, #TBT, and program hashtag. WINNER: Helix @ Berkeley
SOCIAL MEDIA CONTEST | Big Give Reels: March 6, 8 a.m. to March 9, 12 p.m.
Make an Instagram Reel promoting your fund! You can post as early as 8 a.m. Monday (3/6), and the IG Reel with the most views by 12pm on Big Give wins $500. Must tag @calstudentphilanthropy, include #CalBigGive, and your program hashtag. See full rules at WINNER: Cinematic Arts & Production Club
SOCIAL MEDIA CONTEST: Most Creative Child Post | 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Most creative post of a future Golden Bear promoting Cal on Twitter or Instagram wins $500. Include #CalBigGive and program hashtag. WINNER: Space Enterprise at Berkeley
SOCIAL MEDIA CONTEST: Thank Your Berkeley Star | 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Random original Tweet or Instagram photo of a Berkeley professor, student, alum, club, or parent that has starred in your life wins $500. Please tag two of your favorite Cal people (not required, but highly encouraged — show them some love) and include #CalBigGive and the program hashtag. WINNER: Eta Kappa Nu
SOCIAL MEDIA CONTEST: Why Do You Give? | 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Random original Tweet or Instagram post that fills in the blank: "I give to # [Program hashtag] for #CalBigGive bc ________________ " wins $500. WINNER: Bioprinting at Berkeley
Funds with the Most Dollars All Day
These are the funds with the most dollars during Big Give. Bragging rights only.