Big Give is over, but you can still support your favorite programs.
The Lawrence Hall of Science Annual Fund

Your gifts to this fund support the public science center, new STEM initiatives and learning experiences, and immediate and critical needs across all programs.


Our programs are designed to inspire and prepare young people to become innovators and change makers. Help us focus our resources where they can be the most impactful in providing quality science education for all.


We partner with world-class scientists, engineers, and educational leaders to research and develop innovative and effective science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs and experiences.


Join us in realizing a future in which every young person has access to engaging and effective learning opportunities, and more underrepresented youth have opportunities to pursue paths in STEM.

Thank you for your support.

Read more about our local, national, and global impact.

For more information: 

The Lawrence Hall of Science
1 Centennial Drive
Berkeley, CA  94720-5200

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