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Douglas R. Powell Field Geography

Thank you for supporting the Douglas R. Powell Field Geography Fund, which supports field classes and field-based research programs in the Geography Department.

For many years, Geography’s undergraduate students have benefited from field classes and field-based research programs. These experiential learning opportunities have helped our students to understand the Earth’s systems and geographic processes and, importantly, how to positively impact them.

Your gift to the Powell Field Geography Fund will make a significant impact on our ability to support our students. With your help, we will be able to…

  • Resume our popular field courses such as Field Methods for Physical Geography, The Urban Field Course, and Physiography and Geomorphologic Extremes.
  • Support transportation expenses, including much-needed upgrades.
  • Offer newly developed undergraduate field courses in the areas of sonic and visual geographies. Students will learn a variety of audio forms and recording techniques to carry out semester-long audio projects in local public spaces. Through acute listening and sound recording, students will illuminate the complex relationships that humans have with each other and their built environments.
  • Support our undergraduates' individual research projects. These projects have taken our students to Vietnam to study water politics along the Mekong River; to southern Brazil to examine the long history of a little-known enclave of escaped Confederate soldiers after the Civil War; and to our campus's doorstep to study the unhoused crisis.

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