Big Give is over, but you can still support your favorite programs.
Robot Open Autonomous Racing (ROAR) Support Fund

Your gift supports innovation in robotics and autonomous driving, including competitions at the highest level of AI racing and hosting a STEM academy for K-12 students.

ROAR team gathered around their Autonomous Challenge racecar at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.

The global race to make vehicles more intelligent, safer, and more environmentally friendly has created a perfect playground for artificial intelligence research in complex, real-world conditions. The Berkeley ROAR program was created by EECS and mechanical engineering faculty to tackle challenging problems, including optimizing AI under extreme conditions (like high speeds and off-road) and collecting real-world data on complex AI systems to design for better performance and lower costs.

Your gift supports innovation and helps raise awareness of breakthrough AI applications by helping our students compete at the highest level of AI racing against the best university teams from around the world. It also supports students who will be the future leaders of the growing industry, and helps us host the ROAR Academy, a STEM program for K-12 students.

Engineering College Relations
(510) 642-2487

$40,000 for 500 gifts to Engineering
An anonymous donor will contribute $40,000 to the BEF when 500 gifts are raised for Engineering.
500 / 500 Gifts
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