Donations to the JMP Student Fund go directly to JMP students!
Support programs and services for JMP students.
The UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program (JMP) is developing the next generation of antiracist physician changemakers by providing a world-class medical education grounded in social justice, critical inquiry, systems thinking, cultural humility, and humanism. Our graduates work collaboratively to improve the health of individuals, communities, and the systems that serve them.
Giving to the JMP Student Services Fund directly supports programs and services that impact student experience such as funding student research, providing financial aid packages that are critical to recruiting a diverse student body, and supporting innovative curricular and clinical experiences.
We hope you can support our work. Your donation to the JMP makes a difference!
Jyothi Nagraj Marbin MD
Director, UC Berkeley - UCSF Joint Medical Program
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley Public Health
2121 Berkeley Way, #5210
Berkeley, CA 94720-7360