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Gutterriez Rhetoric Graduate Student Endowment

When you give to the Felipe Rochon Gutterriez graduate endowment fund, you ensure the success of Rhetoric graduate students for generations to come.

Established in 2009 by Rhetoric faculty and largely funded by Rhetoric alums, the new fund name honors Rhetoric Ph.D. and beloved instructor, colleague, and friend Felipe Rochon Gutterriez. The endowment provides fellowships to graduate students in the Department of Rhetoric. It is open to men and women, regardless of race, creed or national origin. Enrolled graduate students who do not have outside sources of support and have not held or do not hold major external or central campus fellowships are given preference. Prospective recipients are identified and selected by the department. Thank you!

Development, Arts & Humanities
UC Berkeley | College of Letters & Science

Please contact us if you would like to learn more about current use funds, endowments, gifts of securities, bequests, and other giving opportunities.

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