Big Give is over, but you can still support your favorite programs.

At D-Lab, we work with undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and staff across campus to ensure that Berkeley researchers have access to the latest methods and resources.

We train social scientists, humanists, and others on campus on the latest methods and tools, consult on projects, provide data access, and create a collaborative and inclusive environment for all researchers, from beginners to experts. Our motto is “It’s Okay Not to Know!” (IOK2NK!): Everyone has something to learn and something to teach.

By supporting the D-Lab, you are ensuring that a new generation of researchers can quickly get up to speed on research methods and statistical computing; contributing to the development of foundational skills such as Stata, R, and Python programming; encouraging the application of state-of-the-art methods like machine learning, text analysis, geographic information systems, and cloud computing; and underwriting a community committed to democratizing access to data science for the public good.

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