Big Give is over, but you can still support your favorite programs.
Jepson Herbarium

Support the Jepson Herbarium, the epicenter of research and education on the native and naturalized plants of California.

Your gift supports the study and conservation of the flora of California. Specific projects benefiting from philanthropic support include:

The Weekend Workshops

A series of workshops conducted around the state that provides educational opportunities for a broad audience on such topics as basic botany, plant identification, and regional floras.

The Jepson eFlora

The foremost authority on California's native and naturalized vascular plants, containing taxonomic treatments, distribution maps, illustrations, and photographs.

The Jepson Videos

A YouTube series of short plant identification videos designed for anyone interested in learning more about the plants of California and the areas where they occur.

Information about giving levels:

Staci Markos
Jepson Herbarium
1001 VLSB #2465
Berkeley, CA 94720


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