Big Give is over, but you can still support your favorite programs.
Integrative Biology

Your gift helps innovate the teaching and lab facilities where faculty and students study organismal and evolutionary biology, while enabling them to get into nature to conduct illuminating research on these organisms in the wild.

The Friends of Integrative Biology Fund seeks to uphold our department’s history of high-quality instruction, cutting-edge experimentation, and collaboration between our students and top scientists in the field. The fund provides unrestricted support, allowing us to relieve the areas of greatest need for our students and researchers. We are driven by a fundamental curiosity about biological organisms, investigating questions over wide-reaching structural and spatial scales, from cellular function to behavioral research. Much of the department's outstanding reputation stems from its deep tradition of field research and training, and from the vibrant academic communities associated with our museums and field stations of the UC Natural Reserve System. This fund helps keep that tradition of excellence alive and enhances the collegial life of the department for all of its members.

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