Leaders for Equity & Democracy (LEAD) Annual Fund

Gifts to the LEAD Fund support the training and preparation of transformative systems leaders in our doctoral program (Ed.D.) for education professionals.

LEAD prepares aspiring systems leaders who are committed to and capable of creating school systems that realize our society’s potential.

Your contribution helps in a variety of ways, through support of full-time school leaders to deepen their training, investment in innovative program designs, and enhancement of research-practice partnerships.

Gifts to LEAD go a long way toward creating school systems that uplift the brilliance and vibrancy of diverse communities.

The Leaders for Equity and Democracy (LEAD) Annual Fund

Berkeley School of Education 

University of California, Berkeley 


(510) 206-9652

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Berkeley School of Education FINAL HOURS Challenge
Berkeley School of Education FINAL HOURS Challenge
Dean Emeritus P. David Pearson will donate $3,500 once 235 donors give to the BSE.
176 / 235 Donors
Berkeley School of Education Challenge Complete
But you can still make a gift!
Berkeley School of Education Challenge
Dean Emeritus P. David Pearson will donate $2,500 once 50 gifts are made to the BSE!
50 / 50 Gifts
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Berkeley School of Education Challenge
Berkeley School of Education Challenge
An anonymous faculty member will contribute $5,000 once 200 people donate to the BSE!
176 / 200 Donors
Berkeley School of Education Challenge Complete
But you can still make a gift!
Berkeley School of Education Challenge
Dean Emeritus P. David Pearson will donate $5,000 once 150 gifts are made to the BSE!
150 / 150 Gifts
Berkeley School of Education Challenge Complete
But you can still make a gift!
Berkeley School of Education Challenge
Dean Michelle Young will contribute $5,000 once 100 people donate to the BSE!
100 / 100 Donors
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