Big Give is over, but you can still support your favorite programs.
Human Rights Clinic

Supporting the International Human Rights Law Clinic helps students gain vital hands-on legal experience in protecting and investigating human rights.

One of the first human rights clinics in the country, the International Human Rights Law Clinic designs and implements creative solutions to fight for the human rights of individuals and marginalized communities. Students prepare and conduct litigation before national and international judicial forums concerning human rights violations. They also engage in interdisciplinary empirical studies on the impact of human rights abuses — research that aims to achieve policy outcomes.

Your contributions increase the reach of the clinic’s efforts. The clinic recently helped investigate the murder of a Honduran environmental activist, strengthened UN protections for human rights defenders, and exposed how unsolved murders affect the human rights of victims’ families in Oakland.

Berkeley Law Development and Alumni Relations
224 Law Building 
Donor Engagement 510-642-9045

Berkeley Law Challenge for the Career Development Equal Access and Opportunity Fund
An anonymous donor will give $150,000 to the Equal Opportunity Fund to support preparatory career training for students who are the first in their families to pursue a professional degree, once the first 150 unique donors make a gift to any Berkeley Law fund.
150 / 150 Donors
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