Big Give is over, but you can still support your favorite programs.
Environmental Law Clinic

Help law students gain hands-on legal experience as they tackle environmental health and environmental justice issues on behalf of real-world clients.

Your gifts to this clinic helps prepares students to be creative and effective environmental lawyers as they address the legal needs of underserved communities.

As examples, the clinic won a recent lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency that curtails the use of toxic chemicals to treat oil spills and is working on a California bill to force cosmetic manufacturers to disclose known toxic ingredients or known allergenic chemicals in their products. Your gifts make a lasting difference for our talented students and the world-at-large.

Berkeley Law Development and Alumni Relations
224 Law Building

Berkeley Law Challenge for the Career Development Equal Access and Opportunity Fund
An anonymous donor will give $150,000 to the Equal Opportunity Fund to support preparatory career training for students who are the first in their families to pursue a professional degree, once the first 150 unique donors make a gift to any Berkeley Law fund.
150 / 150 Donors
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