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Center for the Study of Law & Society

Your contributions support empirical research and theoretical analysis of the social consequence of law, its impact on individuals and groups, and social, political, and intellectual influences on law and legal activity.

The Center for the Study of Law and Society provides an environment where faculty and graduate students from many campus departments in the social sciences and humanities — as well as visiting scholars from the US and overseas institutions — regularly meet, present research papers, exchange ideas, and explore new concepts, perspectives, and research agendas. Your contributions enable the center to organize symposia, support doctoral candidates, and produce research on jurisprudential studies, legal history, and law and economics, among other topics.

Berkeley Law Development and Alumni Relations
224 Law Building
Donor Engagement 510-664-4166

Berkeley Law Challenge for the Career Development Equal Access and Opportunity Fund
An anonymous donor will give $150,000 to the Equal Opportunity Fund to support preparatory career training for students who are the first in their families to pursue a professional degree, once the first 150 unique donors make a gift to any Berkeley Law fund.
150 / 150 Donors
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