Student Learning Center

Your donation is vital to the Student Learning Center, providing customized academic coaching, individual and group tutoring, learning science seminars, and supplemental instruction to 10,000-plus undergraduates at Cal. 

Since 1973, the Student Learning Center has been the primary source of academic support at Berkeley, currently serving approximately 30 percent of the undergraduate population. By promoting collaboration, innovation, and diversity in all our services, we seek to foster a learning culture that values intellectual risk-taking, demands excellence, and strives for social justice. 

With your help, we can ensure more students are able to meet the rigors of a premier research university like UC Berkeley. Your generous gift of any size provides us with broad support to cover the costs of our most important activities. Here are examples of the impactful activities that we carry out, and their costs:

• One hour of individual tutoring costs $20

• Six weeks of Group Academic Coaching for a cohort of 6 students costs $500

• One 3-hour exam review for up to 500 students costs $1,200

• Author speaking fees and 20 copies of one Language Exchange Program Global Book Club feature read costs $2,000

• Faculty honoraria and stipends for 10 undergraduate facilitators of #FacultyasWriters Speaker Series, a student-facilitated speaking series that allows undergraduates to engage with Cal faculty across the disciplines, costs $5,000 

• Stipend for one Research Associate to conduct original research over the course of eight weeks costs $6,500

• Ten $2,500 scholarships for middle-income students to attend Summer Bridge, expanding access points to this transformative summer transition program for entering Cal undergraduates, costs $25,000

Student Experience & Diversity
University Development & Alumni Relations
1995 University Ave., Ste. 401
Berkeley, CA 94704

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Student Learning Center Challenge
Student Learning Center Challenge
When the Student Learning Center receives 25 gifts, this will unlock an additional $3,000 match from Professor Emerita Cathy Koshland and her husband Jim.
1 / 25 Gifts
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