AnnaLee Saxenian Graduate Student Support

Your gift supports talented and deserving graduate students at UC Berkeley’s School of Information.

Annual income from this endowed fund directly helps the brightest graduate students at I School. Gifts assist students from a broad range of backgrounds and academic disciplines whose original research advances the I School mission: expanding access to information and its usability, reliability, and credibility while preserving security and privacy for individuals. By reducing tuition obligations, students are able to gain greater financial freedom and greater opportunity to pursue their academic, professional, and personal potential.

The fund was established by AnnaLee “Anno” Saxenian, who is widely recognized for her exemplary leadership as dean of the I School (2004–19) and for her tenure as a professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning.

Read more about Anno Saxenian.

Tia Foss
Director of Philanthropy
UC Berkeley School of Information

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