Disabled Students' Program

At the Disabled Students' Program (DSP), we aim to promote inclusive excellence by providing every student with the resources and support they need to thrive. With your help, we have made remarkable strides in serving our diverse community, including over 5,500 students with disabilities.

Our commitment goes beyond numbers. We've launched innovative programs and initiatives, such as our groundbreaking Disability Community Cultural Center, to foster inclusivity and belonging. Through our comprehensive resources, we ensure every student with a disability has equitable access to academic access.

Your Impact in Action: Transforming Lives

Our reach extends far beyond the visible. We support students facing a wide range of challenges, from anxiety and depression to learning difficulties and chronic health conditions. With your generous contribution, we can continue to provide vital accommodations and services that go beyond compliance.

Join Us in Building a More Inclusive Future

By investing in our mission, you're not just supporting students; you are investing in a future where disability inclusion is central to achieving inclusive excellence in higher education. Together, we can ensure the Disabled Students' Program remains a trailblazer in creating a campus environment where every student can thrive.

Student Experience & Diversity
University Development & Alumni Relations
1995 University Ave., Ste. 401
Berkeley, CA 94704

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