Archaeological Research Facility

Support the Archaeological Research Facility Gift Fund to ensure archaeological excavation, laboratory work, publications, and outreach by UC Berkeley faculty and students.

Donations provide general support for field and lab work by affiliated faculty and students, shared equipment, public lectures and events, and archaeological publications.

Specific uses of your donation include support for the ARF Field School Program, which provides valuable local opportunities for students to gain training and experience necessary to pursue careers in archaeology. Employment opportunities in archaeology require field experience, but field schools often take place in other countries and can be expensive, making them inaccessible to many students, particularly those from underrepresented groups. ARF’s local program includes training with archaeological equipment, field-based data collection, analysis of excavated remains, and stipends for participants.

Sarah Kansa, Program Associate
Archaeological Research Facility

University of California, Berkeley
2251 College Building #1076
Berkeley, California 94720-1076


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