Rausser CNR Summer Internship Grants
You can have a positive impact on the lives of low-income and first-gen Rausser undergraduates

Thanks to donations from our alumni and friends, Rausser College students have gained invaluable experience through our Summer Internship Grants. The program was established to level the playing field for internship participation and break down barriers to access especially for socio-economically disadvantaged students. A grant provides an opportunity for undergraduates who may not be able to accept an unpaid or low paying internship over the summer due to financial circumstances. Internships often help students become more competitive in the career and academic market, provide out-of-the-classroom experiences, develop professional skills, and form meaningful mentoring relationships. Approved projects also need to help foster social equity and inclusion.

Because of the funds we raised last year, the Summer 2021 Rausser recipients gained invaluable experience and provided essential support to projects including:

*Working with Harlem Grown (NY) on food accessibility and community outreach.

*Gaining legal experience through work with Jubilee Immigration Advocates, supporting low-income and API immigrants. 

*Providing hands-on support for a hospital in Uganda and helping start a non-profit assisting pregnant adolescent women. 

*Working out of the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory as part of a field research team fully composed of underrepresented minorities in the field of ecology. 

We anticipate that we will have a major increase in applications this year with Covid restrictions lifted. Grants have averaged about $2,000 per student. The number of grants we will award is entirely dependent on our fundraising efforts, so we are grateful for the collective generosity of our community.  Every gift of every size matters!!

Thank you for investing in our students! 

Please note: The summer internship grants are funded through the Rausser College Fund for Natural Resources (RFNR). Your gift will be recorded as a gift to RFNR. It is one of the dean's top priorities to fund the internship program as part of his Equity and Inclusion initiatives.


Rank State Gifts
1 CA 15
2 UT 2
3 MD 1
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Or you can contact us at calgift@berkeley.edu.