Navigating Cal (NavCal) and Navigating 2 Cal (Nav2Cal) undoubtedly change lives!
NavCal & Nav2Cal are new programs within the Division of Equity & Inclusion that provide direct support for nontraditional students (low-income, 1st-gen, former foster youth, formerly-incarcerated, re-entry, student parents, undocumented, etc.). NavCal/Nav2Cal are student-led programs, hence funding is critical for the programs’ existence. The pandemic and current state of affairs has made internal resources scarce--hence the high-priority and urgency of this funding call. We are currently seeking any and all funding outlets to sustain the student-run operations of current programming!
Please note that 100% of the money donated goes directly to the students themselves — as we hire student interns and student leaders to run the operations of this student-run program.
Check out what Marciela & Alex have accomplished since joining NavCal!
Check out how more of our current students are doing and what their respective accolades are on our website:
Our Impact: What’s up with our Alumni? Check out what our amazing NavCal Alumni, Eva, Brittany and Nam, are up to now!
Eva Sildo
Brittany Kulusich
Nam Nguyen
In order to guarantee the success of the more marginalized student body, your donations will allow us to provide the infrastructure to expand and reach our goal of serving 1000+ students at Cal!
Feel free to check out more Student Spotlights + Videos on our Instagram:
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Dean at
With your support, we can continue to ensure that our most vulnerable and highly underserved students get the support they deserve! Thank you!
Rank | State | Gifts |
1 | NONE | 0 |
1 | AA | 0 |
1 | AE | 0 |