Alternative Breaks: Solidarity in Action
Support student-led service-learning trips during spring break!

Our Mission

Alternative Breaks (Alt Breaks) is one of the many service-based programs supported by UC Berkeley Public Service Center. Since 2001, Alt Breaks, a student-led service organization, offers students opportunities to learn and take action on social justice issues during their spring breaks. 

Our motto is solidarity in action. Student participants learn about pressing social justice issues through a student-facilitated DeCal seminar, apply their knowledge and engage with community partners during a week-long immersive trip, and challenge themselves and each other to reflect critically and take action.  

Celebrating 20 years

In Spring 2021, Alternative Breaks celebrated its 20th anniversary and reconnected with Alt Breaks alumni (former participants and leaders). Check out the video below to hear reflections from past leaders on the impact of Alt Breaks beyond their time as Cal students. 

Special video shoutout to: 2011-2012 Director Team -- Rica Garcia; Emily Loh, Justin Rausa, Asha Choudhury | 2012-2013 Director Team -- Sarah Ducker, Danielle Ngo, Kati Hinman, Chika Kondo

Where are we going this year?

After two years of virtual Alternative Breaks experiences (Spring 2020 and Spring 2021), we're planning for in-person trips in Spring 2022. We are excited to be back on the road and return to communities we've been working with in the past few years. 

Your Donation’s Impact

With your support, Alternative Breaks trip leaders and participants will continue to carry out our mission for years to come (hopefully, another 20+ years!). Your donation will go towards student trip fees, which covers travel expenses (e.g. car rent, lodging, and meals). 

Stay in Touch!

Check out the Berkeley Life article featuring our work. Visit our website to learn more. Follow us on social media -- Facebook and Instagram

If you have any questions, please email Cassy Huang, Program Manager, at or Alt Breaks Student Directors at

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3 Gifts
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 3
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
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