Work+Learn Students at the Library
The UC Berkeley Library is a wellspring of knowledge — and a welcoming place for all students.

With more than 700 student employees, the UC Berkeley Library is one of the leading student employers on campus. Our students come from every background and academic discipline, and find a welcoming home in the Library’s Work+Learn program. With their unique skills and life experiences, our student employees provide much-needed services to the university community, from translating and cataloging foreign language materials to producing promotional videos. As the name suggests, the program offers students a financial boost from steady work and an opportunity to learn skills to launch their careers. 

“At the beginning of the year, we get a big flux of new students, just asking questions,” said Olivia Sandoval, a molecular and cell biology major who worked at multiple information desks. “I find it so amusing how they’re eager to learn … and want to get into the rhythm of college, because I was like that, too.”

Students like Olivia help keep our buildings open and operating smoothly. And they often serve during nights and weekends, and periods with extended hours such as finals week. Even during the pandemic, our Work+Learn students continued to assist with vital services, such as digitizing course materials; gathering and shelving items for the university’s contactless pickup service; and working with our Preservation Department on critical restoration needs.

With the pandemic adding new complexities to many students’ lives, including significant financial hardship, on-campus jobs are more important than ever. They provide steady employment, stable income and an understanding and supportive work community. A job on campus can be a deciding factor in whether a student continues to study at UC Berkeley during challenging times, in particular, for first-generation and other historically underserved college students.  

Your gift supports these students directly, bolstering the Library’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, and ensuring that we can continue to offer even more job opportunities.  

Learn more about the Library’s Work+Learn Program on our website, or contact us at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest Library news.

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4 Gifts
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 4
2 OR 1
3 AA 0
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